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Since 1998, to promote free software, especially operating systems (like GNU-Linux or free BSD) AFUL aims to help and dissemination of open standards. AFUL is a non-profit organization (association loi 1901), which brings together users, professionals, businesses and other organizations located in more than ten countries and regions French (France, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Quebec francophone African countries, etc.).

  • AFUL is a most powerful contact to join the Francophone community of free software. It keeps the reference list of free software users groups up to date (GUL = Groupes d'Utilisateurs de logiciels Libres) .
  • AFUL is a key player in the field of Education, through the framework agreement signed with the French Ministry of National Education (since 1998) and the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (since 1999).
  • AFUL is a founding member of the association SCIDERALLE, which since 2002 has been supporting projects aimed at providing all public free software and resources for education and popular education.
  • AFUL has been considerably involved in work, relationships, and legislative processes related to the evolution of the French law of copyright and related legislation affecting digital media, including the Internet. AFUL participates in the Superior Council of French Literary and Artistic Property (CSPLA) for free software and more generally open and freely licenced works.
  • AFUL is the initiator of the movement against software patents, in 1999 and a founding member of the EuroLinux Alliance.
  • AFUL also supports the Economic Majority shares.
  • AFUL keeps up to date a record on economic models related to free software. Its members are constantly debating, analysing, evaluating and advising in the economic field. Computers and electronic tools have been in recent years sold with preinstalled software, preventing consumers from choosing software and paying only for those they need.
  •  Since 1999, AFUL has been one of the world's most advanced actors in the fight against the forced sale of software (and not "bundling sales")and consumer information in the field of computing. AFUL funded lawsuits and initiated the petition in order that each user-consumer can buy computers and equipment without being forced to pay for unwanted software.
  • AFUL help organise and finance activities and events such as the World Meetings of the Free Software.


The freeGuppY association Board took the decision to join and renew membership each year to the association to AFUL.

Creation date : 25/02/2014 @ 14:36
Category : The GuppY CMS - GuppY in the open source world
Page read 22575 times