GuppY, the benchmark database free CMS


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The GuppY Team

Guppy is being developed by a team of volunteers, taking o­n their spare time and sleep time (!) to improve it constantly. So, go easy on us, please!


- The informal team :

aldweb -  (That's me!, from France), GuppY's creator and main developper.- e-mail : Web site :

JeandePeyrat - (The "Servers'servant!), GuppY Team administrator, president of the association freeGuppY, forum moderator, freeGuppY servers maintenance has no secrets for Jean.

Papinou  - (The "wizard of CSS"), GuppY Team administrator, Treasurer of the association freeGuppY, forum moderator, interested in everything concerning CSS style sheets and not bad at all at English!

Saxbar - (The "composer and musician" of php), Since August 2011 all GuppY versions rose from his keyboard, and this will not surprise you as computing, php and javascript writing and last but not least music are his passions

DJchouix - (The scientist), a great developper has been working noiselessy for so many years. He is the author of the new GuppY editors.

Corrector - (The"king of translation"), the English language is his second mother tongue, but the corrections of the French language are also his line. He is especially hard on Frenglish.

La Vache Qui Rêve - The dreaming cow! as she has named herself - But she is so much more feminine and subtle than that! - (GuppYed, tutos) - GuppYed administrator and tutorials specialist in addition to keeping our stable tidy.

Fred68 - (GuppYed, tutos) - GuppYed administrator and tutorials specialist, an excellent tutorial for CKEditor is one of his major works.

Sabine - our design fairy, will in a trice dress up a lovely layout for GuppY, made in Quebec. Check out tht tutorial skins 5.0.0!

Laroche - a GuppY geek who knows all subtleties and cogs on his fingertips, and not the least of squeak-killers!

Pascal31 - (GuppYLand, GuppYLand administrator, designer of the homepage presentation.

jerlal - (GuppYLand) GuppYLand administrator, alpha versions beta-tester , or fierce squeak-buster ...


Distinctive thanks to our friends:

- Saxbar who, since August 2011, has carried out the developement of version 5.0.0 with persistence and panache, keeping on the lookout innovating solutions !

- JeanMi for his invaluable help, his advice, the accurate solutions he comes up with due to his perfect knowledge of GuppY!

- Sabine for her skins and her excellent tutorial, Lavachequireve, JeandePeyrat et Papinou for the realisation of the help system and Corrector for proof-reading and translation!

Thank you to all members of the GuppY Team, all the beta-testers, among which BTSCPIfr, dipisoft, equitathome, Ludo, Phil-ogm, rvknobzh

We very plainly say than you, for this gorgeous version 5.0.0 made available to Guppy users.

Many thanks to all those who submit improvement ideas,Many thanks to all those who post comment or send  warm encouragements.


Creation date : 18/02/2014 @ 19:19
Category : The GuppY CMS - A Unique CMS
Page read 29907 times