Warning: GuppY 6.00.21

GuppY release 6.00.21 : pack, cumulative and non-cumulative patch

To upgrade from 6.00.20 to 6.00.21, you apply the non-cumulative GuppY 6.00.21 patch.

To upgrade from version 5.03.03 to version 6.00.21, you must follow the migration procedure described in this article.

For plugins and skins, please post on the author's website.

The skins and plugins of our friend Saxbar are available for download on this site.



The active forum holds all threads written after 31/12/2020 @ 00:00
The previous threads are to be found in the   Forum archives 

Forum Topic
Subjects Number
Messages Number
Last Message
GuppY 6
Restricted to questions about version 6.xx.xx
by linuxmr  
20/01/2025 @ 20:22
GuppY 6 [English]
Strictement réservé aux questions en anglais concernant version 6
by GuppY_Team  
21/12/2024 @ 16:39

Forum charter

The purpose of this forum is to allow visitors to share their experiences, to share their point of view and ask questions relative to the site's contents.

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Netiquette: a reminder of forum curdicy

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- Post your message in one category only. Do not post your message several times.
- Please avoid SMS or CHAT style language and voluntary spelling mistakes; on the forum your message is not limited in size. Write in correct language and try to avoid spelling mistakes. (re-read your message before posting it)
- Do not write your message in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, because it will be seen as aggressive, and people will be less likely to want to respond to it nicely.
- Try not to write your message as one big block of text. Write paragraphs, adding blank lines between the paragraphs, so that it is easier to read.
- Try to be relevant in your writing, in order to keep the readers' attention.

Our advise is to NOT communicate your email address in the message text, so that it's not picked up by robots, and therefore avoid being spammed later on.

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