Attention : GuppY 6.00.18

Sortie de GuppY 6.00.18 : pack et patch cumulatif et non-cumulatif

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Pour passer de la version 5.03.03 à la version 6.00.18, vous devez impérativement suivre la procédure de migration décrite dans cet article.

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Archives du forum - GuppY 6 [anglais] - Sujet n°131084

Sujet n°131084
Cookies and Adding files.
   par ElbrusMAX le 10/12/2020 @ 14:10


1. How can I turn off the top banner about accepting cookies so that it never appears? 2. And I had a problem that when I add a file to download to the "Donloads" section, when I find this file through the file manager and click on it, it does not automatically insert the download link for this file. You have to drive in manually. There was no such hatch in versions 4.6.x and everything worked.

Réponse n° 1
par JulienConstant le 12/12/2020 @ 09:07

Hi ElbrusMAX,

I quite agree with you about the General Data Protection Regulation pain in the neck of having to click away those stupid 'ok' pseudo-questions on every and each website. GDPR Arthrosis is on its way! We know we give away our data when surfing the web (among others connected activities) and that our digital profile, fully fledged and detailed will still be stored even when we're dead, whatever we say. This is pure hypocrisy ; That the publisher of Guppy should implement this legal obligation is just fine, but the site's editor should be able to configure it or simply ignore it, as I would do if I could. So I back up your concern and ask our chief coder about this issue.

Your second question is a mystery to me since I do upload pictures and files through the general admin/files section and it works fine and easy ; try to be more precise and email me screen prints.

btw, how long is it that you have cleared your browser's cache?


Cheers and merry Xmas !

Cordialement, JulienConstant

Réponse n° 2
par ElbrusMAX le 14/12/2020 @ 12:46

Hello, JulienConstant !

I wrote to you by email.

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