GuppY, the benchmark database free CMS


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GuppY CMS Portail WEB php gratuit sans BDD

GuppY: the easy and free web portal that requires no database to run

GuppY release 6.00.13 - by GuppY_Team 22/09/2022 @ 16:57 

An easy, free web portal, GuppY will allowyou to generate
very easily a complete and interactive web site, responsive design
and mobile friendly. It requires no database.


Html5, CSS3, jQuery have been on the agenda, so has UTF8 code, unlimited boxes, boxdes display to different widths at will, vertical and horizontal dropdown menus, new pages configuration, unlimited  secundary configurations, an install function, a backup function, url rewriting, online help with built-in option...

Changements are many indeed, so please take the time to discover and tame.

A smart start could be visiting all tabs and pages of the new admin area and its new features. In the admin area, when you notice an interrogation mark in the upper right hanside corner, just click on it to see what it's about; you might find it useful.

Following GuppYLand, GuppY resources homeland, GuppYEd, GuppY promotion site for teachers, we are pleased to come up with GuppY help Centre where all help will be available for GuppY.

Thank you try GuppY 6, we hope it will bring you much satisfaction with your website.

Thank you for your support,  for the GuppY Team,  for freeGuppY assoociation,  for all volunteers who worked  for so many months on this version 6, it is important !

Adopt GuppY and then devote yourself to the most important
part of your site that will make its success : its content !

The new GuppY has arrived !
Do more !
Your site on smartphones, tablets, etc.
Try it !
Help center


(22/09/2022 @ 16:57)

README - by GuppY_Team 17/02/2020 @ 17:00 


(17/02/2020 @ 17:00)

jQuery demo - by GuppY_Team 08/01/2020 @ 16:37 

The purpose of this page is to show :

  1. the usefulness of secondary configurations page
  2. the inclusion of jQuery plugins in documents

1 . Configurations are established in secondary Config boxes.

Just add them to the list of available configurations, and configure locations as in the main configuration.
The usefulness of this extension is evident :

  • lighten up the columns of the main page
  • use in plugins

2 . Structure for the integration of jQuery plugins in documents is implemented by taking into account the following subdirectories inc/ :

  • csshead : contains css files needed by plugins
  • jshead: contains the basic function files of the plugins

Most jQuery plugins work this way: place the necessary files in the corresponding directories without forgetting the pictures and write the formatting in the editor, either in the free boxes or items concerned.



(08/01/2020 @ 16:37)

Tabs - by GuppY_Team 08/12/2019 @ 17:33 


(08/12/2019 @ 17:33)

Last import : 19/02/2025 @ 07:13