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Versions History

GuppY:  GuppY Pack 5.01.02, cumulative and non-cumulative patches - December 02, 2015gylogo.png

This pack is the 92th version of GuppY.

We offer the patch 5.01.02 with additions, improvements, corrections:

- The table name correct date in the calendar blog by Saxbar
- Updated version of CKEditor 4.5.4 by Saxbar
- Update the jQuery library in Version 1.11.3 by Saxbar
- Correction of the generation jqstyle.css style by Saxbar
- Addition of the numbering of input areas of style files (thank Rey)
- Correction of the treatment of the blog calendar dates (thank Papinou)
- Fixed breadcrumb admin maintenance module by Saxbar
- Fixed constants in the maintenance module by Saxbar
- Correction in the header of the forum link to research url-rw by Saxbar
- Correction of the document processing RSS by Saxbar
- Creation of traditional menus based on drop-down menus by Saxbar
- Creation of drop down menus based on classic menus by Saxbar
- Creation of vertical drop down menus to mobile by Saxbar
- WEB display screen tablets with width> = 1024 by Saxbar
- Added parameter "Hide the publication date" of the new website by Saxbar
- Correction of address-rewriting url by Saxbar
- Correction of the list of categories for the creation of photo galleries by Saxbar
- Improved picture of boxes available by Saxbar
- Add Text properties for the style directories categories by Saxbar
- Adding access control slide of the box by Saxbar
- Management members area with private groups by Saxbar
- Added phpmailer in contact.php by Saxbar
- Dynamic boxes in the headers and footers by Saxbar
- Adding a custom 404 error handling by Saxbar
- Choice of secondary pages for displaying icons menus by Saxbar
- Choice of secondary pages to perform the services by Saxbar
- Adding a style sheet for each secondary page by Saxbar
- Addition of margins, opacity, Zones in Central Config look by Saxbar
- Symbol font "fontello" wide by Saxbar
- Integration of jquery slider "camera" (thank Jean-Denis)
- Choice of the position of the zones Contact by mail and phone (thank Jean-Denis)

Upgrading from version 5.01.01 to version 5.01.02 means you have to use this gy-non-cumulative-50102 patchand install with the function of GuppY Install 5. Validate config admin pages, plus Config sections.

Thank to all the participants in this patch.

The GuppY Team

GuppY:  GuppY Pack 5.01.01, cumulative and non-cumulative patches

Security Update - September 02, 2015gylogo.png

This patch is the 91st version of GuppY.

We offer the GuppY 5.01.01 with improvements regarding the correction of error handling.
Many thanks to dipisoft for his reporting.

Attention all versions of GuppY are concerned, without exception.
You must install and MUST IMMEDIATELY this patch 5.01.01 for the security of your site.

These additions, improvements, fixes are also in this patch:

- Addition of the selection of the month and year in the blog calendar by Saxbar
- Addition of the selection timeout the connection Saxbar
- Added admin loading the admin folder / incadmin by Saxbar
- Added styleplus.css loading in the download popup by Saxbar
- Ability to hide a document in one language by prefixing the title by § by Saxbar
- Adding a flag poll activation by Saxbar
- Added support named anchors in navigation bars by Saxbar
- Activation / deactivation of surveys Saxbar
- Addition of blog comments and reactions in the news items of the site by Saxbar
- Adding new site settings for mobile by Saxbar
- Added menu option for creating photoramas by Saxbar
- Correction of the validity test in postguest.php by Saxbar
- Improving the protection of directories Saxbar (thank you Papinou)
- Correction of the initialization table of recipients by Saxbar (thank you Laroche)
- Correction of the style of an array element in the reactions items by Saxbar (thank you Jean-Denis)
- Correction closing groups articles by Saxbar menus (thank you Jean-Denis)
- Parameter to reverse the column of the blog cans per Saxbar
- Improved archiving the forum by Saxbar
- Correction access to the forum archives Saxbar (thank you FPierric)
- Correction of the color chart display by Saxbar

This gy-non-cumulative-50101 patch will be used to upgrade from 5. 01.00 version to 5.01.01

Thank you to all the participants in this patch.

The GuppY Team


gylogo.png GuppY : Pack GuppY 5.01.00, cumulative et non-cumulative patches - June 12, 2015

This patch is the 90th version of GuppY.

We are pleased to come up with Guppy 5.01.00 "responsive design", mobile friendly, a new evolution !

Lots of new features have been added since 5.00.11, even if they aren't blindingly obvious for visitors.
Structure has been thoroughly reworked and modified according to Google responsive design standards.

We've opted for a unique responsive site with web configuration po PCs together with mobile configuration for mobile devices; user-agent of the device will be detected by Guppy to show corresponding version.

Changes and corrections :

- Creation of a double structure web and mobile by Saxbar and Papinou
- Correction of date modification display by Saxbar
- Replacement of security warnings by Saxbar (Thank you Ludo)
- Addition of the hosting parameter behind a proxy by Saxbar (Thank you jcp)
- Automatic update of site url by Saxbar
- Addition of deactivation  parameter for search results by Saxbar
- Correction of automatic hard return in CKEditor by Saxbar
- Quote box available in Homepage by Saxbar
- Correction of event duplication in calendar by Saxbar (Thank you Fred68)
- Improvement event sorting of calendar in "Latest Updates"
- Addition of parameters to hide connected members by Saxbar
- Improvement of Config Look by Saxbar
- Improvement of database registration for hostings with cache by Saxbar
- Correction of url-rewriting rules by Saxbar
- Correction of sending of preferences deletion by Saxbar
- Addition of a management tab for extra fonts in Config style by Saxbar
- Moving the button "Create letter with latest updates on the site" by Saxbar
- Addition of "code management" plugin in CKEditor by Saxbar
- Removal of W3C validation icons.

This gy-non-cumulative-50100 patch will be used to upgrade from 5. 00.11 version to 5.01.00

Reminder :

Installing this patch with the Installer function of Guppy is an undeniable bonus:
- Names you have given to high risk files will be kept.
- As far as you skins are concerned: no-skin and default skin will be updated and functional for Guppy 5.01.

- Other skins for your site will need to be selected one by one as the default skin ; run file maj_configmob.php using this url, where "my website" is the name of your site: Please do this for each skin, then refresh page to get proper display.

If Installer function should not work, you'll have to switch back to default names in high risk files; to do this, go to Service Config/visitor's input & antispam and eventually not forget to save.
Upload patch content through FTP and switch back to former names

Finally for the skins of your site will need to be selected one by one as the default skin ; run file maj_configmob.php using this url, where "my website" is the name of your site: Please do this for each skin, then refresh page to get proper display.


Thanks to all contributors in this patch.

The GuppY Team


Pack GuppY 5.00.11, cumulative and non-cumulative patches - March 02, 2015

This patch is the 89th version of GuppY.

We are pleased to come up with GuppY Pack 5.00.11 that features the corrections listed below:

- Improvement of the displayQuickConfig() by Saxbar
- Standardisation of username entry by Saxbar
- Correction of the link to article on making a search by Saxbar (Thank you jerlal)
- Improvement of collaborators management
- Correction of writers'rights level one by Saxbar
- Correction of  sorting out events by date by Saxbar
- Improvement of events duplication by Saxbar
- Correction of new members status by Saxbar
- Redesigning of the Config Look module by Saxbar and Papinou
- Correction of members deletion by Saxbar
- Correction of  newletter adressees' list by Saxbar
- Suppression of the full backup of the site by Saxbar
- Addition of the skins/ folder in the permitted folders list in the file management by Saxbar
- Improvement of copyright display by Saxbar
- Correction of the Menu Options treatment in the Latest Releases box by Saxbar
- Improvement of styleplus.css treatment by Saxbar
- Update of Lightbox library by Saxbar
- Addition of dash entry in username by Saxbar
- Addition in the demo database of dropdown menu example, horizontal and linear by Papinou.

This gy-non-cumulative-50011 patch will be used to upgrade from 5. 00.10 version to 5.00.11


You must validate all pages after installing the patch, please do not forget Config services, even before you log in as member of your site.

Many Thanks to all participants in this patch

The GuppY Team

GuppY :  Security patch 5.00.10 - December 29, 2014gylogo.png

This patch is the 88th version of GuppY.

   We are pleased to come up with patch 5.00.10 fixing vulnerabilities.

 All our many thanks go to Brandon (, who discovered the security flaws, for his information and cooperation.

Please beware that all versions of GuppY are concerned, without exception.
You HAVE TO install this 5.00.10 patch IMMEDIATELY to ensure the security of your website.


Besides correction of the vulnerabilities, have been added to this patch:

- Improvement of Contact e-mail sending  by Saxbar
- Correction of Contact form title  by Saxbar (Suggestion box #38 JeanDenis)
- Modification of articles categories selection by Saxbar (Suggestion box #38 JeanDenis)
- Modification of link styles, FAQ and downloads by Saxbar
- Correction of Management icons in the forum by Saxbar
- Correction treatment in the registration form by Saxbar
- Addition treatment in the connection form by Saxbar
- Addition of subscribers groups to Newsletter by Saxbar (Suggestion box #34 - dipisoft)
- Addition of selected subscribers group in the Newsletter document by Saxbar (Suggestion box #34 - dipisoft)
- Improvement of treatment for subscribers groups by Saxbar (Suggestion box #35 - dipisoft))
- Addition of e-mails to supervision list for newsletter test sending by Saxbar
- Improvement of copyright display by Saxbar
- Addition of an extra style file (styleplus.css) uploading by Saxbar
- Addition of an index for the modification of styleplus.css in Style Config by Saxbar
- Improvement of members and groups management by Saxbar
- Correction of version comparison further to new style format by Saxbar
- Correction of display for blog categories box in list mode by Saxbar
- Improvement of "Latest additions" box by Saxbar
- Correction of Menu boxes dropdown by Saxbar
- Improvement of Slideshow box display by Saxbar
- Correction of bread-crumb trail in Slideshow in Admin by Saxbar
- Improvement of slideshows display by Saxbar

Upgrading from version 5.0.9 to version 5.00.10. means you have to use this gy-non-cumulative-50010 patch.

   Thanks to all participants in this patch.

The GuppY Team


GuppY : non cumulative patch 5.0.9 - November 28, 2014 gylogo.png

This patch is the 87th version of GuppY.

 We are pleased to come up with the non-cumulative patch for 5.0.9 Guppy 5.0, with improvements and fixes since 5.0.6, namely:

- Added registering control on connection (Thanks Saxbar)
- Improved e-mail sending to contacts  (Thanks Saxbar)
- Improved downloads directory and FAQ display  (Thanks Saxbar)
- Removed files checksum on downloading  (Thanks Saxbar)
- Corrected links of url rewriting on downloads (Thanks Saxbar)
- Improved forum categories management  (Thanks Saxbar)
- Improved links directory display (Thanks Saxbar)
- Added photorama and secundary pages full screen display (Thanks Saxbar)
- Corrected second language links for blog and calendar search (Thanks Saxbar)
- Corrected external avatars display in the forum (Thanks Saxbar)
- Corrected status wording of collaborators in the forum (Thanks Saxbar)
- Improved members registering form display (Thanks Saxbar)
- Implemented collaborators groups for management (Thanks Saxbar)
- Choice for "New" thumbnail in menu options (Thanks Saxbar)
- Added menu options off articles in the What's new box (Thanks Saxbar)
- Improved search function in members management (Thanks Saxbar)
- Corrected posts sorting in the blog boxes. (Thanks Saxbar)
- Corrected links in the blog boxes. (Thanks Saxbar)
- Corrected guestbook e-mail adresses display (Thanks Saxbar)
- Corrected UpdateDBforum() function (Thanks Saxbar)
- Corrected e-mail visibility of forum contributions on updating and moving  (Thanks Saxbar)
- Added migration of Iconframe plugin  (Thanks Saxbar)
- Added migration of menu options for non-article menu  (Thanks Saxbar)
- Added migration of Contact Plugin  (Thanks Saxbar)
- Improved styles for mobile  (Thanks Papinou)
- Update of ckeditor to version 4.4.6 (Thanks Saxbar)

Upgrading from version 5.0.8 to version 5.0.9. means you have to use this gy-non-cumulative-509 patch.

When patch has been installed, please go to admin/configurations/forum categories and do check that categories are actually active.

If needed, tick the box for each category and save so as to update index frcat.dtb.

Thanks to all participants in this patch.

The Guppy Team


GuppY :  Non cumulative patch 5.0.8 - October 02, 2014gylogo.png

This patch is the 86th version of GuppY.

 We are pleased to come up with the non-cumulative patch 5.0.8 for Guppy 5.0, with improvements and fixes, namely:

- Unlimited choice of characters for name input in contact form  (Thanks Saxbar)
- Correction of downloads, links and FAQ browsing  (Thanks Saxbar)
- Correction of e-mail display for password requests    (Thanks Saxbar)
- Correction of members list in Preferences   (Thanks Saxbar)
- Added secondary page for the News  (Thanks Saxbar)
- Skin change settings for every member   (Thanks Saxbar)
- Control of backup directory in admin  (Thanks Saxbar)
- Test for ZipArchive presence   (Thanks Ludo and Saxbar)
- Improving members search in admin   (Thanks Saxbar)
- Correction of link display of newsletter (Thanks Saxbar)
- Correction of url-rewriting rules (Thanks Saxbar)
- Correction of display for site updates descriptions (Thanks Saxbar)
- Correction of display for RSS feeds' author (Thanks Saxbar)
- Modification of CutLongWord() function calculation  (Thanks Ludo and Saxbar)
- Added code input in editor for reactions to articles  (Thanks Saxbar)

Upgrading from version 5.0.7 to version 5.0.8, you must use this gy-non-cumulative-508 patch.

Thanks to all participants in this patch.

The Guppy Team


GuppY : non cumulative patch 5.0.7 - August 21, 2014gylogo.png

This patch is the 85th version of GuppY.

 We are pleased to come up with the non-cumulative patch for 5.0.7 Guppy 5.0, with improvements and fixes since 5.0.6, namely:

- Setting of the icon position in a document title in admin/configurations/config services (Thanks Saxbar)
- Improved members management (Thanks Saxbar)
- Added blacklisting function in contact form (Thanks Saxbar)
- Creation of a FAQ directory with sub-categories (Thanks Saxbar)
- Correction of download categories links (Thanks Saxbar)
- Correction of error test in postguest (Thanks Saxbar)
- Correction of dialogue width for moving posts in the forum (Thanks Saxbar)
- Modification of writers rights with 2 levels of permission
- Modification of smileys'path in the editor ckeditor (Thanks Saxbar)
- Added smileys in ckeditor (Thanks Saxbar)
- Input of username and e-mail in all documents (Thanks Saxbar)
- Deleted invalid html5 meta-tags (Thanks Saxbar)
- Specific choice for number of characters in forum, blog, news and homepage (Thanks Saxbar)
- Input of 0 to get a list all forum posts in homepage (Thanks Saxbar)
- Correction of script path of post-installation in Installer (Thanks Saxbar)
- Correction of photoramas removal in maintenance (Thanks Saxbar)
- Correction of  help access for menu options menu (Thanks Saxbar)
- Display of members number in members management (Thanks Saxbar)
- Improved display of Newsletter subscribers (Thanks Saxbar)
- Multiple upload of photo files in photorama (Thanks Saxbar)
- Added directory img/plugins (Thanks Saxbar)
- Corrected whois links in Preferences box (Thanks Saxbar)
- Correction of articles menu options links  (Thanks Saxbar)
- Added title for linear dropdown menu boxes (Thanks Saxbar)
- Added visits of the day in the Preferences box (Thanks Saxbar)
- Corrected moves "top" and"up" of the posts in forum (Thanks Saxbar)
- Corrected management sessions of text captchas (Thanks Saxbar)
- Update of Photorama slideshow photorama (Thanks Papinou)
- Update of ckeditor to version 4.4.3 (Thanks Saxbar)
- Corrected style files for tablets and mobiles (Thanks Papinou)

Attention, new feature in this non cumulative patch 5.0.7!

Automatic preservation of sensitive files renaming. Thanks Ludo, thank Saxbar).
With Installer of GuppY 5.0, you will install the  gy-non-cumulative-507 patch one first time.
Then you will install the gy-non-cumulative-507 patch a second time, again with the Installer function.
Once you're done with this second installation, please go to admin/configurations/config services, then Visitors' posts & anti-spam to check that your renamed files are there.

As to cumulative patch 5.0.7, you must also follow the same process  and check after second install.

Upgrading from version 5.0.6, or from version 5.0.6-1 to version 5.0.7, means you must use this gy-non-cumulative-507 patch.

Thanks to all participants in this patch.

The Guppy Team


gylogo.png Guppy: Non-Cumulative Patch 5.0.6 - July 01, 2014

This patch is the 84rd version of GuppY

We offer the non-cumulative patch for 5.0.6 Guppy 5.0, with improvements and fixes since, namely:

- Improvement of members management by Saxbar
- Correction of back link in the file error.php by Saxbar (Thanks Ludo)
- Correction of logs writing by Saxbar (Thanks Ludo)
- Correction of blog posts in the homepage by Saxbar
- Correction of e-mail input by Saxbar
- Added address input of IPs control by Saxbar
- Correction of background colours of central and side boxes by Saxbar
- Correction of Chmods saving.
- Correction of click area in dropdown options menu by Saxbar

- Before installing the patch, you must go to admin/settings/config services/ contributions & Visitors and antispam and reset original names, i.e.  thread.php and user.php as these files are concerned with the 5.0.5 patch.
- After installation, you must rename them again.

To upgrade from 5.0.5 to 5.0.6, this is non-cumulative-gy-506 patch you need to use.

Thank you to all participants in this patch.

The GuppY Team


gylogo.png Guppy: Non-Cumulative Patch 5.0.5 - June 03, 2014

This patch is the 83rd version of GuppY

We offer the non-cumulative patch for 5.0.5 Guppy 5.0, with improvements and fixes since 5.0.4, namely:

- Update to version 4.4.1 CKEditor
- Update jQuery version 1.11.1
- Correction of the navigation items
- Fixed display of blog printing buttons.
- Protection against copy/paste for some input boxes
- Improved connection/disconnection script
- Fixed the display of download categories
- Buttons image replacement by conventional buttons
- Fixed the display of email visitor guestbook
- Correction of the navigation pages of the search module
- Various improvements for W3C compliance
- Correction of staff members suppression
- Fixed rights for archiving
- Correction of photoramas parameters
- Added a link on the whois in logs
- Improvement of members management
- Implementation of the url-rewriting for plugins
- Protection against XSS calendar vulnerability
- Fixed links in the Contact box
- Fixed language flag link for url-rewriting
- Corrected PgEditor for compatibility with Chrome 35 and IE 11.

- Before installing the patch, you must go to admin/settings/config services/ contributions & Visitors and antispam and reset original names, i.e. blog.php, contact.php, download.php, forum.php, guestbk . php newsletter.php, postguest.php, thread.php and user.php as these files are concerned with the 5.0.5 patch.
- After installation, you must rename them again.

To upgrade from 5.0.4 to 5.0.5, this is non-cumulative-gy-505 patch you need to use.

Thank you to all participants in this patch.

The GuppY Team


gylogo.png Guppy: Non-Cumulative Patch 5.0.4 - May 01, 2014

We come up with the non-cumulative patch for 5.0.4 Guppy 5.0, with improvements and fixes since 5.0.3, namely:

- Creating a directory for links and downloads with categories and subcategories.
- The possible display in secondary pages for links, downloads and FAQs
- Correction of the list of addresses for mailings of supervisions
- Automatic addition of the configuration page in the Address menu options
- Changing the setting of photoramas, improving skin galleries, the ability to include or not a gallery in Slideshow box, the choices for each gallery to declare it as independent or not and always recommendation to choose a reasonable number of thumbnails not to slow down the display of your site.
- Correction of the "current" class icons additional menu
- Correction of the sending mails function


- The non-cumulative patch 5.0.4 contains style.css files from Guppy pack of skins to add the necessary classes for the directory, links and downloads, as well as for photo galleries dressing .

  If you have modified a skin of 5.0 Guppy pack manually, it is necessary to rename your skin or your style.css to avoid crushing it.
  All new classes are located in the //* block box lateral Article * (menu list, menu dynamic 1, menu dynamic 2) */

- Before installing the patch, you must go to admin/settings/config services/ Visitors contributions & anti-spam and set back the original name postguest.php, contact.php and user.php, for these three files are involved in the patch.
- After installation, you must rename them again.

  To switch from version 5.0.3 to 5.0.4, this is non-cumulative-gy-504 you need to use.

Thank you to all participants in this patch

The GuppY Team


Patch 5.0.3 GuppY - April 15, 2014gylogo.png

This patch bundles up all fixes since the 5.0.2 patch, namely:

- Contact.php form display in secondary page.
- Reorganisation of messages in lostpass.php.
- Removing the attribute lng in the meta-tags.
- Improved photorama and added a side box.
- Correction of email display setting in postguest.php.
- Treatment correction of extensive research.
- Fixed handling of sitemaps.
- Deleted classes tblout and tblboxout.
- Fixed links in the newsletters messages.
- Fixed directories deletion in file management.
- Improved archiving.

We've added the CKEditor update version 4.3.4.


photorama was reviewed with the ability to upload images via ftp, as well as individually configure each gallery. A side box has been added with scrolling thumbnails and possibility of choosing ImageCube or Fotorama. To select one or the other, go to admin/settings/config Services/News - Photos.

The display of a large number of thumbnails per gallery can slow display miniatures, so a number of 6 or 12 miniatures would seem reasonable.
If you have already installed slideshows, you will have to redo configuration for each one, because the configuration has been modified.

This improvement requires a change in the style.css file of your skin,
You will find in the directory skins of the 5.0.3 patch, a modele_photorama.css file.
You must copy/paste the contents of that file at the end of style.css of your skin, and of course customise the colours to match those of your skin.


To switch from version 5.0.2 to version 5.0.3, it is this non-cumulative-gy-503 you need to use.

Before installing the patch, you must go to admin/settings/config services/contributions visitors & anti-spam and reset the original name to postguest.php and contact.php, because these two files are affected by the patch.
After installation, you must rename them again.


Thank you to all participants in this patch.

The GuppY Team

GuppY - Patch 5.0.2 - March 26, 2014

We are pleased to come up with patch 5.0.2  featuring some improvements since version 5.0.1.

- padding of 10px attached to the social network code of articles
- initialisation of user data in the contact form
- security fix forms against CSRF vulnerabilities
- security fix anti-spam forms
- fixed access to private forums
- adding an index for the management of items and menu options
- change the setting for the presentation of photoramas
- individual configuration of photoramas
- added a label to return control for private messages
- fixed an inversion registration of forum categories
- added php settings in the details of the About page
- counting items of newsletters in a popup
- correction block menus dynamic list
- correction of entry area search boxes
- correction of image management update items
- correction of writing sitemaps in robots.txt
- correction of the import documents with $ in the content

To upgrade from 5.0.1 to 5.0.2, this is non-cumulative-gy-502 patch you need to use.

ATTENTION! After applying this patch, you should immediately run the upgrade script of the new index that links articles and menu options.

To do this in the address bar of your browser, type this:


For slideshows, please do not tweak anything, for other changes are underway and will be in the next patch.

Thank you to all participants in this patch.

The GuppY Team

GuppY - Patch_nc_5.0.1 - march 10, 2014

We offer the 5.0.1 patch nc Guppy with the modifications described below.

These are the bug fixes from your experience returns.

- table sorting years for navigation on the agenda
- corrections captcha control and STOP no file! in the advanced contacts
- external avatars dimensions become 64x64
- correction of $colorTextTitre in all scripts  config_upload
- correction of calendar dates in repeat mode
- entry of​​ recommended values for folders and files in General Config
- write SetChmod() and MakeDir() functions instead of php functions
- possibility of using the drop down menus in the locations of the home page
- can insert the visits counter box in the Preferences dialog box
- correction of access control menuicons in admin
- improvements in the treatment of high of news and blog posts on the home page
- corrections descriptions of elements and default content of RSS feeds
- correction processing site title for apostrophes
- correction of the display copyright in the text version
- elimination of duplicate during migration
- correction of the migration of the agenda

The GuppY Team

GuppY 5.0.0 long term just released!!! - February  25, 2014

Now, you fancy building a website to let people discover your hobbies, introduce a software you like to use, share your photos, speak about you or be in touch with other people ?

You would like your site to be a full-fledged one, interactive, featuring a guestbook, a forum and the possibility to add easily some modules or plug-ins?

But unfortunately, you don't have any knowledge of HTML, PHP, mySQL?

Then you must try GuppY 5.0! Much more than a plain evolution, this new long term version is a true revolution!

Yes, at last, here it is! A long awaited major release!

After two years of development, quite a number of pre-alpha and alpha versions, twenty-three Beta versions, five Release Candidate versions and a couple of last minute corrections.

Guppy 5.0 comes with Html5, CSS3 and jQuery, UFT8 coding, illimited number fo boxes, a range of width sizes up to the user's choice, horizontal and vertical dropdown menus, a new page configuration, illimited secondary configurations, an install function, a backup function, url rewriting, help on line with embedding option…

Changes are many. Take your time to discover and get used to them.

A smart start point might be a thorough visit of the admin section that has been split into pages, so that you will get a good insight of the new possibilities.

In the admin section, when you can see an interrogation mark in the top right-hand-side corner, don't hesitate to click it; it might prove very useful.

On top of  this extraodinary GuppY 5.0 version, you will discover the "GuppY Help Centre" as well as a brilliant tutorial about V5 skin templates.

We will be thankful to translators who would like to join the GuppY project. You can send your translations files to guppy [ @ ]  after you have agreed the copyright rules.

Should you have any other request, please contact us exclusively at that address above.

To get more into details about the great many new features included in this version 5 of GuppY, we are impatient to meet you on the site  and its forum devoted to the V5.

The Guppy Team

GuppY - Security Patch 4.6.28 - October 12, 2013

We are pleased to come up with patch 4.6.28 which features :

- Correction of two code embedding security XSS flaws. ( thanks you Saxbar, jchouix, JeanMi )
- Correction of a squeak in mktime in agenda ( thanks you Saxbar )

Many thanks to High-Tech Bridge Security Research Lab for very kind notice.

Beware! All GuppY versions are concerned, no exception.
You REALLY MUST INSTALL AT ONCE this correction patch to keep up with security on your site.

As with each new version, please do not forget to update your plugins, reinstall your forks, and revalidate your configuration pages.
To move up from the 4.6.26, 4.6.27, 4.6.27-1 to 4.6.28 version, you must use this patch_nc_4628.

Thank you for your understanding and we apologize for these errors.

Thank you to all participants in this patch.

The GuppY Team

GuppY - Security Patch 4.6.27-1 - October 11, 2013

We are pleased to come up with patch 4.6.27-1 which features :

- Correction of two code embedding security XSS flaws.
- Correction of a squeak in mktime

Many thanks to High-Tech Bridge Security Research Lab for very kind notice.

Beware! All GuppY versions are concerned, no exception.
You REALLY MUST INSTALL AT ONCE this correction patch to keep up with security on your site

As with each new version, please do not forget to update your plugins, reinstall your forks, and revalidate your configuration pages.
To move up from the 4.6.26 to 4.6.27-1 version, you must use this patch_nc_4627-1.

Thank you to all participants in this patch.

The GuppY Team

At 22:00 11.10.2013, patch file inc / functions.php passage of pack and patches 4.6.27-1

GuppY - Patch_nc_4.6.26 -  August 10, 2013

To carry on with improvements in the fight against spam, we are pleased to come up with patch_nc_4626 which features:
- Correction of files renaming configuration (thank you Saxbar)
- and we take this opportunity to correct some flaws in forum private groups -that have been discovered during renaming tests (thank you Saxbar)

For the safety of your sites, we recommend this patch to be installed quickly.

We remind you that a template of spam- IPs-blocker htaccess file  is available for download in the Download section of freeGuppY.

If your forum categories are still in the old format, you must run the script "maj_forumcat.php" to reset the IDs of the categories into the right format, for example: 1,PR1 instead of PR1.

As with each new version, please do not forget to update your plugins, reinstall your forks, and revalidate your configuration pages.
To move up from the 4.6.25 to 4.6.26 version , you must use this patch_nc_4626.

Thank you to all participants in this patch.

The GuppY Team

GuppY patch_nc_4625 -  June 11, 2013

Carrying on with our fight against spam, we come uo with patch_nc_4625 that features:

- 1 - Renaming the file download.php on the same principle as the other files - thanks Saxbar.
- 2 - Correction of the Preview and Print display in blog.php - thanks Saxbar.

Before installing this patch 4.6.25, you should read the updated tutorial that is included as pdf document: "tuto_configure_ANTI-SPAM" and follow it to the letter.

As with each new version, do not forget to update your plugins, reinstall your forks, and revalidate your configuration pages.
Upgrade from the 4.6.24 version 4.6.25 version with this patch_nc_4625.

EXCEPTIONALLY, patch_nc_4624 will stay for downloading on freeGuppY ; we do remind you that it has to be urgently installed for the proper functioning and security of your site.

Thank you to all participants in this patch.

The Guppy Team

GuppY - Patch_nc_4.6.24 - June 07, 2013

We release this non-cumulative patch for 4.6.24 GuppY with several changes, all aimed at spam-fighting.

We recommend that you install this emergency security patch.

For two months up to now, we have been facing:

- 1 - Spam on the guestbook or news, blocked so far by Cryptographp
- 2 - Requests from spambots from postguest.php to the guestbook and news.

Here are some kind of calls for GuppY

Scripts robots do not indeed type randomly but keep trying on standard file names that are in open source CMS scripts - for GuppY is not the only target.
These queries lead to shared server overload and depending on which hosts, sites can be suspended, postguest blocked in chmod 200 or else renamed.

The 4.6.24 patch allows renaming of files and integrates Cryptographp to provide answers to both problems (Thanks Saxbar).
All changes to files are about renaming files, integrating Cryptographp with functional default configuration, except the file
s admin/inc/ (correction of a misprint line 219 and table display from line 220 to 225

Creation date : 25/02/2014 @ 14:54
Category : The GuppY CMS - A Unique CMS
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